

Do you have a property you think we may want to buy?

If you are a general contractor with high ethical and work standards who is looking to develop a long-term relationship with a well-established real estate development firm that will provide you with a steady stream of work and pay you a fair price for the work you do—when you complete it, not weeks or months later—then we are looking forward to meeting you soon.

We love to pay our contractors

Let’s get this straight right up front: Unlike some companies you may have

worked with in the past, we love to pay our contractors! Really. We know you’ve

got a business to run and bills to pay — so do we. We understand that when you

complete a payment milestone that you want to get your payment as soon as

possible. We also know that it’s in our best interest to have a committed, happy

contractor as a partner. So we will pay you—and pay you promptly—as the

work is completed in the stages laid out at the onset of the project.

We’ll help you create new business

We pride ourselves on having a strong foundation of real estate knowledge and

training. Our core business lies within our systems, education, and knowledge

of the real estate industry. We didn’t just become a real estate investor overnight.

We have spent thousands of dollars on education, marketing and systems that

allow us to be successful in this business and do it the right way the first time. We

actively share our knowledge with our contractors, providing them with the

information they need to help develop their own businesses and create long-

term success—for themselves and for their workers. Renovating several homes a

month generates tons of old and new clients asking for renovation advice, and

more important, a “Good Contractor.” We believe wholeheartedly in

recommending the people who help support our growth and would gladly

recommend you and your team.

We’ll make your life easier

We have a proven system in place with a pre-determined Scope Of Work

containing all the details of the renovations in one spot, making life much

easier for our contractors. We select all the materials that will go into our

homes, and we clearly lay out everything that we want done by our contractors,

so that they can focus on doing the work they do best—contracting. Working

within our system will allow you to move from job to job to job, and not have to

worry about where your next job is coming from. We always hear from our

contractors that one of the best things about working with Elite Property Experts

is how every component in the Scope of Work is line-itemed, and materials often

even have the associated SKU# and where to purchase it included. We know time

is money for both of us, so we do the extra work on the front end to make sure our

budgets and timeframes are very accurate.

Please call us today at 704-480-3374 or enter your information in the form if you’d like to connect with us or discuss a specific property you are listing.

learn More About PARTNERING with us:

Do you have a property you think we may want to buy?


As a real estate agent, you can take advantage of many unique opportunities when it comes to working with investors. Many agents view working with investors as a waste of time – however, we know you have a business to run and can’t afford to waste your time with investors who aren’t serious. At Elite Property Experts , we pride ourselves on having a systemized buying process; which eliminates the need to waste your time on tedious tasks. You can rest assure that we are serious buyers who close with cash and very quickly.

We believe that good investors are those who place high value on the knowledge and expertise of good agents. In turn, we hope to share our knowledge with you and help to provide you with a lucrative and consistent stream of income. So if you can shift your thinking and learn how to leverage working together with investors, you’ll realize there are many potential benefits – creating win-win situations for everyone.

Here's How We Can Help

• We purchase any type of traditional or distressed property.

•We buy condos, town-homes, multi-family, and single-family detached homes.

•We buy in all price points from $20,000 & up - (as long as we can add enough value to make the deal work for all sides).

•We'll buy homes with any and all amounts of work from cosmetic rehabs to complete tear downs.

•We are loyal customers who offer repeat business.

Please call us today at 704-604-4646 or enter your information in the form if you’d like to connect with us or discuss a specific property you are listing.

learn More About PARTNERING with us:

“If you do not like real estate, all you have to do is make hamburgers, build a business around that hamburger, and franchise it.”

- Robert Kiyosaki

Since our inception, Elite Property Experts has passionately pursued our goal to help hundreds of people in our community find solutions to their real estate needs. Our organization is well-funded and supported by a team of people with over 15 years of real estate experience, successfully purchasing properties with CASH and quickly renovating these properties to list and/or sell to retail home-buyers and landlords.

Our Information


We Are A Real Estate Solutions Company

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